Accusations & Defamation & Copyrights Infringement were never Enough: Racist and Hate Crimes Blitzkrieg against Tracy Twyman's Widower
Hate Crimes when investigated, they do involve the efforts of
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) as Hate Crimes do fall
under the bureau's jurisdiction.
Hate Crimes are prosecuted
as a federal crime.
"My soul is already bound, I'm the indentured servant
of the Lord Jesus Christ."
S.B. Alger, at Discord
Other intimidation tactics were utilized by S.B. Alger against Tracy R. Twyman's surviving
widower, inviting and encouraging other
'religious' associates online to participate
in his fest; mounting in their activities to what is defined
as Hate Crimes:
S.B. Alger is mocking the Arab by having a towel on
his head in a YouTube live stream, knowing that Tracy's
widower would be aware of his shameful activity.
Twitter S. B. Alger @sewneo:
sexIsm bigoTry rAcism vioLence coloniIlism
inequAlity xeNophobia antiSemitism
What Connects
Indeed, for "God is love", as observed from the Religious Fanatic rabble's interpretation of God.. What the Devil would be then?
Other intimidation tactics were utilized by S.B. Alger against Tracy R. Twyman's surviving
widower, inviting and encouraging other
'religious' associates online to participate
in his fest; mounting in their activities to what is defined
as Hate Crimes:
S.B. Alger and other religious members
sending a threat of mob lynching with a noose, to Tracy
R. Twyman's widower. This was broadcast in S.B. Alger
Telegram channel.
Discord Server - S.B. Alger:
"I was following the Holy Spirit."
Other intimidation tactics were utilized by S.B. Alger against Tracy R. Twyman's surviving
widower, inviting and encouraging other
'religious' associates online to participate
in his fest; mounting in their activities to what is defined
as Hate Crimes:
S.B. Alger and his 'neo-Nazi' associate,
sending a threat to Tracy R. Twyman's widower on Telegram
Achtung! You think you have defeated me?
You may have
won the battle but not the war.
You're so slick,
with your Dick-tionary.
I am Al von Homunculi, and
I will defeat you soon, even sooner... Nay!
Discord Server - S.B. Alger:
.."like the holy ghost was yelling at me..."
"I put a spell on you, because you're mine
You better stop the thing that you're doin'
I said, "Watch out, I ain't lyin'""
Other intimidation tactics were utilized by S.B. Alger against Tracy R. Twyman's surviving
widower, inviting and encouraging other
'religious' associates online to participate
in his fest; mounting in their activities to what is defined
as Hate Crimes:
S.B. Alger is mocking the Arab with his
'Skinhead' associate Benjamin Balderson
of Odin's Alchemy.
Odin and Odinism is a code and a
symbol for 'Skinheads':
"the appropriation of Odinist/pagan imagery and iconography by racist skinheads seems to be largely symbolic, rather than a serious attempt to adopt an alternative religion to Christianity."
Wikipedia: White power skinhead
Pollard, John F. (2016). "Skinhead culture: the ideologies,
mythologies, religions and conspiracy theories of racist
skinheads". Patterns of Prejudice. 50 (4–5):
398–419. doi:10.1080/0031322X.2016.1243349. ISSN
0031-322X. S2CID 151502563
Other intimidation tactics were utilized by S.B. Alger against Tracy R. Twyman's surviving
widower, inviting and encouraging other
'religious' associates online to participate
in his fest; mounting in their activities to what is defined
as Hate Crimes:
Skinhead Benjamin Balderson addressing
Tracy Twyman's widower regarding his lost wife when Benjamin was initially addressed formally regarding
business matters:
"..but on a personal note you are extraordinarily
pathetic and shame Tracy's memory."
are pathetic and weak and everyone knows this."
free to go fornicate yourself"
*This site & the site operator are not suggesting nor implying facts other than posting what is public information. Posts are sourced from available public information. Any information that is obtained from, and based on an Entertainer/Psychic are not to be taken as facts, nor any facts should be constructed on such information. Individuals that are listed in this website are Public Images.